Indigenous Rights articles

Below are the best articles we could find on Indigenous Rights.

Indigenous people everywhere face serious human rights abuses and cultural genocide through forced relocations, loss of land rights, exposure to environmental hazards, violence, discrimination, denial of basic services (such as access to education, housing, clean water, and healthy food), and the forced separation of children and families. Both the human and political rights of Indigenous peoples are dismissed and attacked by the dominant colonialist cultures and governments around them. Despite this, Indigenous peoples are often on the forefront of environmental and human rights protests around the world. The struggle for Indigenous rights is a struggle for human rights and for the preservation of human knowledge and generational relationships with the environment.

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In Praise of Seeds and Hope

"If we are unable to feed ourselves, we will not survive; and if we lose our whole being to our minds, policy work, and scholarly discussions, we will have lost our direction. We need to strike a balance." - Winona LaDuke

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Drugs: The Sacred Mushroom

Not long ago The New York Times carried a dispatch from Mexico telling about the descent of hippies on Huautla de Jimenez in quest of the “sacred mushrooms.” With the dispatch appeared a photo of a priestess of the rite, Maria Sabina.

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How to Stop a Black Snake

The Black Snake is what Lakota people call the Dakota Access Pipeline.

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A struggle to protect biodiversity and a Native American way of life

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CIA Exploited Incarcerated Black Americans in Race for “Mind-Control” Agent

A well-kept American secret is that the CIA-funded research that exploited incarcerated Black Americans along with other vulnerable groups in America’s hunt for a “mind-control” drug.

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13 Globe-Trotting Indigenous Grannies Carry Message of Unity and Prayer

Thirteen matriarchs from indigenous cultures are currently touring the world, promoting peace, unity, and a respect for nature. nicola Graydon meets one of them, Mona Polacca.

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What Do We Owe Indigenous America?

We’ve also learned that, unlike other Americans who have had crimes committed against them, Native people, historically and today, have had little success seeking reparations in court.

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Takelma-Siletz Elder Agnes Baker Pilgrim: Honoring the Water

“Grandma Aggie” is here to help us honor the water. She tells the gathered crowd of two hundred that the water hears us when we thank it for cleaning us and quenching our thirst. “We are all water babies”, she says, reminding us that we are composed largely of water.

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The Movement to Decriminalize Psilocybin, Explained

The latest frontier in state and local drug reform has been the loosening of legal restrictions on psilocybin—the psychoactive compound in “magic mushrooms.”

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The Takelma Tribe Today

Agnes Baker-Pilgrim is the granddaughter of George Harney, a full-blooded Takelma who was the first elected Chief of the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians.

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Indigenous Well-Being