Habits of Mind & self masteryquotes

Below are the best quotes we could find on Habits of Mind and self mastery.

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FindCenterO teach me how I should forget to think.

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FindCenterThought is free.

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FindCenterAction always happens in the present, because it is an expression of the body, which can only exist in the here and now. But the mind is like a phantom that lives only in the past or future. Its only power over you is to draw your attention out of the present.

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FindCenterYou can’t talk your way out of a problem you behaved your way into!

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FindCenterYou need to recognize when you’re making a choice that requires willpower; otherwise, the brain always defaults to what is easiest.

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FindCenterThe greatest discovery of any generation is that a human can alter their life by altering their attitude.

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Habit Formation