Ego Dissolution videos

Below are the best videos we could find on Ego Dissolution.

Ego dissolution, or ego death, is the complete loss of subjective self-identity. Some see this as a symbolic transition of oneself dying so that a new version of the self can be ushered in—a transformation of identity—while others see it as a temporary phase or experience of connecting with a form of universal energy or consciousness. This “death” can often come from working with psychedelic medicines, but it is not exclusive to this experience: it is often described as a stage of enlightenment in several spiritual traditions, achieved through ritual, meditation, or trance.

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Terence McKenna: Psychedelic Advice

Terence McKenna talks about his personal process for using psilocybin mushrooms, attempts to describe some of the experiences he has had while on psychedelics, and what to do if you're experiencing a "bad trip" - he suggests singing.

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Ego Death & Peak Experiences | Coffee with Twig

Twig Harper talks ego death and peak experiences of unity.

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Show Me How to Dissolve the ‘I’ | J. Krishnamurti

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Living Without Ego

Walk with Moojibaba Moojibaba addresses what happens when one becomes increasingly detached to the world and talks about the inner experience of those who begin to transcend the pull of the mind.

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J Krishnamurti - the Real Revolution - 2. Observing Ourselves

Man has made himself incapable of facing what is, inwardly. Therefore he has a concept about it and acts according to that concept. Therefore the fact, the concept and action are in contradiction and there is a battle going on.

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Joe Rogan on Ego Death

Joe Rogan and Michael Pollan on the ego dissolving effects of psychedelic drugs.

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Ralph Metzner Talks About LSD at Millbrook

Ralph Metzner, circa 1966, discussing the use of yoga to integrate the LSD experience into normal life.

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Hameed Ali (A. H. Almaas): The Illusive Self

This is a clip from Hameed Ali’s (A. H. Almaas) talk at Science and Nonduality Conference 2012 in San Rafael, CA. Self can refer to our spiritual true nature as when we speak of true self, or mostly it refers to the ego self that functions as the primary impediment to spiritual realization.

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3 Life-Changing Lessons from Stoic Master Epictetus | Ryan Holiday | Daily Stoic

Epictetus is one of the key Stoic figures and is best known from "The Enchiridion" or "Handbook of Epictetus," a short manual of Stoic ethical advice compiled by Arrian, and from the "Discourses of Epictetus." Epictetus' teachings are central to Stoicism. Stoicism is a practical philosophy.

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Dr. Robin Carhart Harris: Psilocybin and the Psychedelic State

Dr. Robin Carhart-Harris, of the Neuropsychopharmacology Unit, Imperial College London, discusses research on Psilocybin and how psychedelics could be used in therapy to help with depression, addiction, and other problems of rigid thought patterns.

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