Dreamwork by stanley krippnervideos

Below are the best videos we could find on Dreamwork featuring stanley krippner.

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Dream Telepathy with Stanley Krippner

Here he describes a series of experiments that ran for ten years during his tenure as director of the Maimonides Medical Center Dream Research Laboratory in Brooklyn, New York. These studies were eventually published in a variety of mainstream psychology journals.

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Working with Extraordinary Dreams with Stanley Krippner

In this interview, host Jeffrey Mishlove describes two extraordinary dreams that were instrumental in shaping his career in parapsychology. Stanley Krippner describes a variety of ways in which dreams can have a life-changing impact. Famous musical composers have heard their compositions in dreams.

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Present! - Extraordinary Dreams with Stanley Krippner

Psychologist and consciousness researcher Stanley Krippner talks about his research on extraordinary dreams and explains how to work with them.

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Dream Analysis