Dream Analysis & anima animus

Below are the best resources we could find on Dream Analysis and anima animus.

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The Ravaged Bridegroom: Masculinity in Women

Using dreams a guides, this book focuses on evolving masculine and feminine energies within each individual, both striving toward an inner harmony.

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The Holy Grail of the Unconscious

It goes as follows: Man skids into midlife and loses his soul. Man goes looking for soul. After a lot of instructive hardship and adventure — taking place entirely in his head — he finds it again. The book tells the story of Jung trying to face down his own demons as they emerged from the shadows.

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Introduction to Carl Jung—Individuation, the Persona, the Shadow, and the Self

In the second part of our introduction to Jung we examine the individuation process, dream analysis, the persona, the shadow, the anima/animus, and the Self.

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