Cross-Cultural Dynamics by jeremy narbyarticles

Below are the best articles we could find on Cross-Cultural Dynamics featuring jeremy narby.

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Is Ayahuasca an Antidote to Modern Life?

In 1995 I published a book called The Cosmic Serpent that dealt with ayahuasca and other subjects. The enthusiasm of many readers took me by surprise. In the book I describe ayahuasca as foul-tasting and my experience drinking it as an ordeal involving vomiting and frightening visions of serpents.

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Plant Teachers, Radical Social Distancing and Falling Skies: Interview with Jeremy Narby

Jeremy Narby, the worldwide-known author of ‘The Cosmic Serpent’ (1998) is releasing a new book this year, ‘Plant Teachers – Tobacco and Ayhuasca’. He was recently speaking in ‘The Incident’ online symposium. Interview.

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