Connection with Nature & environmental exploitationvideos

Below are the best videos we could find on Connection with Nature and environmental exploitation.

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Jeremy Narby: Beyond the Anthropo-Scene - Bioneers 2017

The renowned “anthropologist under Amazonian influence” and indigenous rights activist Jeremy Narby, author of such classics as The Cosmic Serpent and Intelligence in Nature, considers the intelligence of living beings and wrestles with his own culture’s anthropocentric concepts.

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Nina Simons - Shifting Guidance from Head to Heart | Bioneers

Nina Simons, the President and Co-Founder of Bioneers, discusses reclaiming the feminine in order to realign our personal and societal values and practices.

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Shamanic Healing with Spiritual Light Interview with Sandra Ingerman

I had the distinct pleasure to interview renowned Shamanic Practitioner, Teacher & Healer Sandra Ingerman.

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A Wake-Up Call from Nature | Alessandro Armillotta | TEDxSUMAS

What stops us from changing? Join social impact entrepreneur Alessandro Armillotta in his journey from fashion to a value-driven and less impactful life, a story of eye-opening moments that helped him understand the importance of living in balance with nature.

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Full Spectrum Leadership for Engaged Action (Nina Simons, Bioneers)

Leadership and women's issues define the primary current interests of Nina Simons. In her writings and teaching, she establishes a close relationship between the two interests.

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Blessings and Songs from Grandmothers - Maria Alice Freire and Mona Polacca

Grandmothers Mona Polacca and Maria Alice Freire from the The International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers offer blessings and songs for Water, the World Water Law and World Water Year 2021.

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We Are All Connected with Nature: Nixiwaka Yawanawa at TEDxHackney

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Rachel Carson | American Experience | PBS

Rachel Carson is an intimate portrait of the woman whose groundbreaking books revolutionized our relationship to the natural world.

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Malaria and "Silent Spring" | Retro Report

In 1962, Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring” highlighted the dangers of widespread use of synthetic pesticides. Decades later, rising malaria rates have led some to question whether the ban on DDT is to blame. .

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Vandana Shiva—Activism & Self-Care: How to Remain Resilient While Committing to a Cause?

In the framework of the Transition Days, Dr. Shiva addressed the issue of self-care in relation to activism. How can I stay resilient and still be committed to a cause—without burning myself out?

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