Compassion & buddhismvideos

Below are the best videos we could find on Compassion and buddhism.

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Meditation and the Science of Human Flourishing Workshop—Part 3

Can we cultivate well-being in the same way that we can train our bodies to be healthier and more resilient? If so, how might we use the practice of meditation to experience equanimity, to open our hearts fully to others, and to cultivate insight and wisdom? In this workshop, two world-renowned...

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Jack Kornfield: The Peaceful Heart Dharma Talk

In this dharma talk, Jack discusses how the combination of compassion and equanimity gives rise to a peaceful heart.

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Robert Thurman: Expanding Your Circle of Compassion

It’s hard to always show compassion - even to the people we love, but Robert Thurman asks that we develop compassion for our enemies. He prescribes a seven-step meditation exercise to extend compassion beyond our inner circle.

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Coronaspection - Interview with Chân Không

Ven. Chân Không is closest disciple and collaborator of Vietnamese Zen teacher Thich Nhat Hanh. Corona helps us awaken past our selfishness. Corona allows us to think of the other and to discover our interconnectedness and unity. It invites us to discovering a way of living together peacefully.

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Lama Rod Owens: Vulnerable Compassion

"Compassion is perhaps one of the strongest practices we have in Buddhadharma, because compassion is a liberatory force that moves us into the suffering of the world" - Lama Rod Owens.

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Conversations on Compassion with Thich Nhat Hanh

The Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE) is honored to host a discussion with Thich Nhat Hanh about his life experiences and the role compassion has played.

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Cultivating Grace and Transforming Suffering with Ram Dass, Jack Kornfield, Krishna Das & Friends

How do we transform suffering into grace? How do we cultivate a process that allows grace to fill our lives? How do we turn anger into compassion – chaos into equanimity – separation into unity and oneness? In the third installation of our Cultivating film series, Cultivating Grace and...

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Emptiness the Womb of Compassion, Robert Thurman

We hear a lot about compassion nowadays, along with mindfulness, and there is no doubt it is the essence of all spirituality and also essential for any viable society or world.

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Love Your Enemies: Robert Thurman, Sharon Salzberg, and Uma Thurman

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Matthieu Ricard | The Power of Altruism | Linkedin Speaker Series

Buddhist monk, humanitarian activist, scientist, and author Matthieu Ricard (The Monk and the Philosopher, Happiness) turns his lens from the personal to the global with a rousing argument that altruism, genuine concern for the well-being of others, could be the saving grace of the 21st century.

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