Breathwork & yogaarticles

Below are the best articles we could find on Breathwork and yoga.

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Q&A: Deep Breathing Makes Me Panic. What Can I Do?

Sarah Powers offers advice on how to overcome a resistance to deep breathing.

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When in Doubt—Breathe

I realize yoga still carries stereotypes such as granola-loving, uber flexible chant-till-you-drop fanatics, but I'm here to prove those people wrong...Yoga will change your life.

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Mind-Body Synergy

Whether you seek lower blood pressure, a longer silhouette, or a more peaceful response to life’s pressures, disciplined practices like yoga, tai chi and Pilates offer a host of transformative benefits.

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A Short Meditation Practice with Jana Long

Follow your Savasana with a short 8-minute meditation from Jana Long, increasing the duration over time. Sit still and quiet and become aware of how your breath feels. If you find you are thinking or clinging to thoughts, let them go and return to feeling your breath.

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Why Rodney Yee Thinks Committing to a Daily Pranayama Practice Will Change Your Life

Rodney Yee would like you to stop, sit or lie down, listen, and feel. The iconic yoga teacher has become an ardent advocate of restorative yoga, body-scan meditation, and pranayama. To Yee, pranayama refers to techniques that help you relax and return to your natural, easy way of breathing.

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Stress Management