Blended Families & self care

Below are the best resources we could find on Blended Families and self care.

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Hey, Wicked Stepmother, I Feel Your Pain!

How to stop hating yourself and your step-kid, as well.

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To The Stepmom Who Feels Like She’s Lost Herself

Halloween is a time when children dress up and go door to door, collecting treats while pretending to be someone else. They may put on masks or makeup and wear costumes which reflect the characters of their choosing.

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Disengaging Stepmoms: 5 Signs It’s Time to Step Back

Many stepmothers begin the commitment phase of their relationships with an engagement ring. Women who love men with children hear the statistical improbability of successful remarriage and dismiss it, knowing in their hearts that theirs is the love that will beat the odds.

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Family Dynamics