BIPOC Well-Being & confidencevideos

Below are the best videos we could find on BIPOC Well-Being and confidence.

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How to Go Beyond Diversity and Inclusion to Community and Belonging | E'Ula Green | TEDxOU

Do you ever wonder if people who “have it all together” really know what they’re doing? Could it be they’ve just become experts at pushing through ambiguity? Through personal experience and interviews with a few leaders at the height of their careers, this talk issues both a...

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Empowerment Through Confidence | Harnaam Kaur | TEDxWarwick

Harnaam was originally known for being the youngest woman in the world to have a full beard, but is now known as a prominent advocate for mental health, body image and LGBTQIA issues. In her talk, she discusses the importance of embracing beauty, whatever form it may come in.

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Harnaam Kaur’s 5 Top Tips for Being a Boss at Body Confidence

No one was made inadequate, and if you feel like you are then you just haven’t discovered yet how incredible you are.

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Disability and Body Image

Discussing what I think are the 5 biggest challenges that disabled people face in developing a healthy/positive body image and how I tackle them.

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Emotional and Mental Health