BIPOC Well-Being & collective traumavideos

Below are the best videos we could find on BIPOC Well-Being and collective trauma.

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A Therapist Breaks Down How Our Bodies Carry Racial Trauma

There’s growing research into racism’s real impact on the body, especially how stress can impact health and how your DNA works. Resmaa Menakem, a therapist and trauma specialist has been drawing on this research for years.

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We Went to a Support Group for Black People in America

Alzo Slade participates in an “Emotional Emancipation Circle,” an Afrocentric support group created by the Community Healing Network and the Association of Black Psychologists. It’s a safe space for Black people to share personal experiences with racism and to process racial trauma.

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Collective Trauma and the Stress of Racism

The stress of ongoing, systemic racism is mentally and physically traumatizing Black individuals and their communities.

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Godcast Episode 146: Resmaa Menakem

New York Times Best Selling writer, author of "My Grandmother's Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies", Resmaa Menakem joins the chat.

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Marginalized Voices, Racial Trauma, and the Psychedelic Healing Movement

Monnica T. Williams, Ph.D., ABPP, is an Associate Professor in the School of Psychology at the University of Ottawa, Canada Research Chair in Mental Health Disparities, and Director of the Laboratory for Culture and Mental Health Disparities.

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Indigenous In Plain Sight | Gregg Deal | TEDxBoulder

The indigenous existence in Western and American culture is narrowly viewed and accepted with little to no input from actual Indigenous people.

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Trauma Informed Community Development - Paul Abernathy - TEDxPittsburgh

From his service during the Iraq War, Paul Abernathy first learned about trauma. In returning to the community in Pittsburgh, he saw a broader definition of trauma that required a broader effort at healing.

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The Power of Circles with Ethan Viets VanLear

Healing begets healing: restorative justice practices offer a pathway for individual healing for both the person who has been harmed and the person who perpetrated the harm.

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Minority Mental Health Month: Racism and OCD

As a continuation of our Minority Mental Health Month series, join Jenny Yip, PsyD, ABPP, Monnica Williams, PhD, and Valerie Andrews for a discussion of racism and OCD.

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Panel: Psychedelics, Injustice & Intersectionality of Trauma w/ Sevelius, Williams, Kahn & RedBear

Panel: Jae Sevelius, PhD, Monnica Williams, PhD, Paula Graciela Kahn, and LisaNa RedBear, moderated by Ismail Ali, JD A six-day global gathering of the international scientific community in Oakland, California to explore new research into the benefits and risks of MDMA, LSD, psilocybin, ayahuasca,...

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Emotional and Mental Health