Belonging & self esteembooks

Below are the best books we could find on Belonging and self esteem.

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A Theory of Human Motivation

2013 Reprint of 1943 Edition. Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. This is the article in which Maslow first presented his hierarchy of needs. It was first printed in his 1943 paper "A Theory of Human Motivation".

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The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are

A motivational and inspiring guide to wholehearted living, rather than just the average self-help book, with this groundbreaking work Brené Brown, Ph.D., bolsters the self-esteem and personal development process through her characteristic heartfelt, honest storytelling.

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Loving Ourselves: The Gay and Lesbian Guide to Self-Esteem

Love the inside, embrace the outside. First published in 1999, this thoroughly revised and updated edition now presents the issues and concerns relating to self-esteem in the LGBT world to a new generation of men and women.

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Different… Not Less: Inspiring Stories of Achievement and Successful Employment from Adults with Autism, Asperger’s, and ADHD (Revised & Updated)

Temple’s primary mission is to help people with ASD and ADHD tap into their hidden abilities. Temple chose contributors from a wide variety of skill sets to show how this can be done. Each individual tells their own story, in their own words, about their lives.

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