Ayahuasca & conscious evolution

Below are the best resources we could find on Ayahuasca and conscious evolution.

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Jeremy Narby: The Future of Biology

The idea of a kind of intelligence active throughout nature is gaining support within the scientific community, affirming a view long held by indigenous people and shamans.

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Terence McKenna—Complete Program—Hallucinogens & Culture—Thinking Allowed w/ Jeffrey Mishlove

Hallucinogenic substances have been instrumental in the foundation of many aspects of our cultural heritage. In this challenging program, McKenna suggests ways in which hallucinogenic plants have been associated with spiritual traditions in ancient India, in the Amazon and in medieval Europe.

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Graham Hancock on Hidden History, Ayahuasca and Consciousness

We were very privileged to probe the mind of this modern-day heretic in this exclusive interview.

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Jeremy Narby on Nature & Life Intelligence

Jeremy Narby, an anthropologist, discusses the intelligence of life, nature, ayahuasca and DNA communication. The interview also discusses how modern man has overlooked the inherent intelligence in nature.

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Plant Spirit Medicine