Autism & setting limits and boundariespodcasts

Below are the best podcasts we could find on Autism and setting limits and boundaries.

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Understanding Autism Diagnosis and Assessment

What is the process of evaluating a child for autism? What does the profile of an autistic twice-exceptional person look like? Why are girls’ autism symptoms often missed?

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Birthing Journey: Doulas, Advocacy and Black Lives Featuring Latham Thomas, Mama Glow

Latham Thomas, founder of mama glow, a global maternity education organization that leads game-changing doula training, joins us to talk about the prevalence of black maternal health disparities and how we can reclaim the narrative and our joy around the birth experience.

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Adoptee Experience: Being Black in a White World

In this episode Toni McCord and Sharday Dufresne share their incredible stories of growing up Black while being raised by their adopted white parents in predominantly white communities.

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Executive Function: What You May Be Doing Wrong

Seth Perler, an executive function advocate and coach, talks with Emily Kircher-Morris about what many parents and professionals are getting wrong when trying to help their kids with executive function skills.

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Gifted Boys: Behind the Mask of Masculinity

There are social, academic, and personal obstacles inherent to boys, and when you add other features like giftedness, things can get complicated. How can we help boys understand social expectations, and learn to be themselves, often in spite of those expectations?

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You Never Outgrow Giftedness

Gifted kids turn into gifted adults, it’s something you live with for your entire life. When adults forget about their own atypical wiring, they open themselves up to social issues, and miss opportunities to continue growing.

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The Fast Track to College

Advanced Placement is a good way for many kids to get a head start on college. On episode 42, Andrew Scanlan and Chester E Finn, Jr. of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, answer questions about the history of AP, where it’s going, and where kids may encounter difficulties.

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School Counseling: Gifted Kids Need It Too

School counselors wear a variety of hats, but “giftedness expert” often isn't one of them.

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Accurate Assessment for Twice-Exceptional Kids

We’ve had mixed results in our efforts to identify 2e kids. It’s a complicated process, and many of the assessment tools used to identify ASD and other disorders need to be utilized differently when working with gifted individuals.

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Allowing for Uncertainty

In this bonus episode, Emily Kircher-Morris talks about uncertainty and doubt. How can we help our kids be less afraid of uncertainty, and more comfortable with doubt?

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