Adaptability & resiliencearticles

Below are the best articles we could find on Adaptability and resilience.

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Wounded Veteran Shares Stories of Resilience

When Dave Roever was in the Navy during the Vietnam War, “resiliency” and “comprehensive soldier fitness” took a backseat to combat operations.

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Beating the Odds

Leadership lessons from senior African-American women

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Interview: Daniel Gilbert

What will make you happy? A social scientist explains why it’s so hard to predict

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How to Prime Your Mind for Optimism

We can shift our mindset toward more optimism and happiness.

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Resilience: Personality or Practice?

The ability to cope with a cancer diagnosis and the aftermath of treatment often requires an inner strength that supports an individual’s ability to rebound and recover. This strength is often referred to as “resilience.”

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Cancer Resilience Takes Time to Grow, So Start Now

Develop resilience for those moments in life where it suddenly becomes your turn to make lemons into lemonade.

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Disabled Well-Being