Yunus Emre (also known as Dervis Yunus, c. 1240–c. 1320) was an Anatolian poet, dervish, and Sufi mystic. Emre’s verse was devoted to human destiny and divine love, which deeply influenced Turkish culture.
This collection of poems introduces a general readership to Yunus Emre (1240–1321), called the “greatest folk poet in Islam.
Yunus Emre (d. 1320) is considered one of the most important Turkish poets having a great influence on Turkish literature from his own time until today. His poems concern divine love as well as human love of the Divine as God and the Perfect Master, Beloved, Friend and human destiny and weakness.
I am the drop that contains the ocean.
We know little about the life of Yunus Emre because the sources available to us are precious, scant and uncertain. Almost every significant thing about his life must be drawn from his poems.
Poems by Yunus Emre.
A single word can brighten the face of one who knows the value of words. Ripened in silence, a single word acquires a great energy for work. War is cut short by a word, and a word heals the wounds, and there’s a word that changes poison into butter and honey. Let a word mature inside yourself.
Yunus Emre was the most significant literary figure of Turkish Anatolia to assimilate the teachings of Islam and to forge a synthesis of Islam's primary values and mystic folk poetry.