Below are the best resources we could find featuring wim hof about athlete well being.
Becoming the Iceman is a project inspired by Wim and Justin to show the world that anyone can adopt the ability to become an Iceman or Icewoman.
Wim Hof has run marathons barefoot and shirtless above the Arctic Circle, dove under the ice at the North Pole and languished in ice baths for north of 90 minutes—all feats that he attributes to a special kind of breathing practice.
How many push-ups can you usually do? Wim Hof has found a way to do more push-ups than ever before. Check out the video and try it out for yourself.
Science has now proved that the legendary Wim Hof Method of breath control and cold-training can dramatically enhance energy levels, improve circulation, reduce stress, boost the immune system, strengthen the body and successfully combat many diseases.
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