Below are the best resources we could find featuring william cope moyers about shame.
The eldest son of journalist Bill Moyers, William Cope Moyers relates with unforgettable clarity the story of how a young man with every advantage found himself spiraling into a love affair with crack cocaine that led him to the brink of death—and how a deep spirituality allowed him to conquer his...
“Even where I live in St. Paul, known nationally for being the ‘crossroads of recovery,’” William said, “the stigma prevents people from thinking about alcoholics and other drug addicts as ‘good people with a bad illness.’”
"I knew how progressive the disease was. I knew each time I used, I fell faster and faster. I knew when I went out that day I was a dead man. I didn't go out to do drugs. I went out to die."
Photo Credit: Star Tribune via Getty Images / Contributor / Star Tribune / Getty Images