
William Barber on spirituality and politics

Below are the best resources we could find featuring william barber about spirituality and politics.

William Barber
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Terry Sanford Distinguished Lecture | Rev. Dr. William J. Barber

The Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II spoke on “Poverty, Health and Social Justice” Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2018. The joint Terry Sanford Distinguished Lecture and Boyarsky Lecture in Law, Medicine and Ethics coincided with the United Nations World Day of Social Justice.

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We Cry Justice: Reading the Bible with the Poor People’s Campaign

From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible proclaims justice and abundance for the poor. Yet these powerful passages about poverty are frequently overlooked and misinterpreted.

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‘There Is Not Some Separation Between Jesus and Justice.’ How Rev. William J. Barber II Uses His Faith to Fight for the Poor

Barber’s newsmaking actions were founded on the idea that being a person of faith means fighting for justice.

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Rev. William Barber on Poor People’s Campaign, Public Mourning, Changing Policies for Justice, and More

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Meet the Preacher Behind Moral Mondays

The Reverend William Barber is charting a new path for protesting Republican overreach in the South—and maybe beyond.

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Rev. William Barber Delivers Masterful History Lesson, Declares ‘It’s Movement Time Again’

During his closing remarks, Rev. Barber addressed our current political climate, the lack of morality in it, the existence racial animus and the browning of America.

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Q&A with the Rev. William Barber, Building “Fusion Coalition” that Unites People Against Poverty

Barber makes clear his belief that the role of Christians is to call for social justice and allow the “rejected stones” of American society—the poor, people of color, women, LGBTQIA people, immigrants, religious minorities—to lead the way.

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Reverend Resistance

Rev. William Barber II . . . is now the face of a progressive Christian protest movement that's taking its fight from North Carolina to the White House.

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America, America, What’s Going On? | A Moral Critique by Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, II

October 25th, 2018—Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, II lectures at St. John’s University in New York.

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Moral Minority: Whither the U.S. Protestant Left?

Barber spreads a gospel of witness and resistance in the tradition of civil rights and anti-war leaders Martin Luther King, Jr. and William Sloane Coffin. . .

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Liz Theoharis