Below are the best resources we could find featuring william barber about poverty and economic inequality.
After the success of the Moral Monday protests, the pastor is attempting to revive Martin Luther King, Jr.’s final—and most radical—campaign.
The nation’s problem isn’t that we don’t have enough money. It’s that we don’t have the moral capacity to face what ails society.
The Poor People's Campaign to battle poverty was Martin Luther King's most radical project. Now William Barber and Liz Theoharis are calling for a moral revival with the New Poor People's Campaign.
This volume features Rev. Barber’s most stirring sermons and speeches, with response essays by prominent public intellectuals, activists, and faith leaders. Drawing from the history of social movements in the US, especially the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Poor People’s Campaign, Rev.
“This moment requires us to push into the national consciousness, but not from the top down, but from the bottom up.”
The Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II spoke on “Poverty, Health and Social Justice” Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2018. The joint Terry Sanford Distinguished Lecture and Boyarsky Lecture in Law, Medicine and Ethics coincided with the United Nations World Day of Social Justice.
From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible proclaims justice and abundance for the poor. Yet these powerful passages about poverty are frequently overlooked and misinterpreted.
Barber makes clear his belief that the role of Christians is to call for social justice and allow the “rejected stones” of American society—the poor, people of color, women, LGBTQIA people, immigrants, religious minorities—to lead the way.
Rev. William J.
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