Below are the best resources we could find featuring thich nhat hanh about buddhism.
Thay answers questions on 21 June 2014. Question 6. Topics: thich nhat hanh, Buddhism, 21 day retreat, karma, action, cause, effect, past, future, continuation, parents, collective, individual, interbeing, duality
Question asked during the question and answers session offered by Thay for the Art of Suffering Retreat at Blue Cliff Monastery, Pine Bush, NY (2013.08.29).
“Letting go is also the practice of letting in, letting your teacher be alive in you,” says a senior disciple of the celebrity Buddhist monk and author.
Meet eight of Thich Nhat Hanh’s students who are now teachers themselves. In their own unique ways, they’re helping to carry his dharma into the future.
Thich Nhat Hanh tells Andrea Miller that anyone can use the five mindfulness trainings to lead a life of understanding and compassion.
The Sun My Heart is one of Thich Nhat Hanh’s most beloved books.
bell hooks meets with Thich Nhat Hanh to ask: How do we build a community of love?
Learning True Love, the autobiography of Sister Chân Không, stands alongside the great spiritual autobiographies of our century. It tells the story of her spiritual and personal odyssey, both in her homeland and in exile.
Old Path White Clouds presents the life and teachings of Gautama Buddha.
This Plum Village Chanting and Recitation Book is a most valuable resource for anyone interested in liturgy and everyone who just wants to celebrate life and practice the art of mindful living.
Photo Credit: Hindustan Times / Contributor / Hindustan Times / Getty Images