Below are the best resources we could find featuring terri cole about self worth.
While it might seem like you’re being kind and helpful to others (and you might be!), I want to shed light on how the unconscious mechanism of auto-accommodating could be compromising your precious mental and emotional space and what you can do about it.
Simple Ways to Create More Self-Love I am so excited to start the Real Love Revolution free video series this week exploring ways to create more love (self and other!) in your life right now. Take a moment before watching to assess your feelings about yourself right now.
Stop Losing Yourself in Relationships - Terri Cole https://terricole.
The Danger of Caring more about Other than Yourself - Terri Cole - Real Love Revolution 2017
If you’ve ever been in a relationship with a narcissist, you know how terrifying that experience is and how difficult it can be to break away from that kind of dysfunctional dynamic.