Sybil Leek (1917–1982) was an English occult author, psychic, and witch, known for her writings on astrology and other esoteric subjects.
Sybil Leek was a famous occult author, and considered by many as one of the worlds most famous witches.
Kreskin meets Dame Sybil Leek, the psychic and witch. Kreskin asks audience member to participate in card game with tiny skull keyring. He discusses dream reading with audience members. as well as exploring 'occult' phenomena of table moving.
The most publicized witch of the century is no stranger to the zodiac. No less a disciple of the fantastic than H. G. Wells took little Sybil to see her first eclipse. Her father entranced her with his impassioned study of Pluto. Her grandmother prepared astrological charts for the famous.
Learn how to read your horoscope to make good investments.
Sybil Leek (1923–1983) was an English witch and astrologer who moved to America in the 1960s and gained fame by publicizing the renaissance of witchcraft in the Western world.
Sybil Leek, who proclaimed herself a witch and wrote and lectured widely on the occult, the mystical and the supernatural, died of cancer Tuesday at the Holmes Regional Medical Center in Melbourne, Fla.
A short documentary from the 1970s with Sybil Leek and witches.
This interview covers Christine's views on modern witchcraft, her life as a solitary witch, & her respect for her religion.
Photo Credit: Boris Spremo / Contributor / Toronto Star / Getty Images