Below are the best resources we could find featuring steven kotler about athlete well being.
Steven Kotler, author of Mindvalley’s ‘The Habit of Ferocity’ talks at A-Fest Jamaica about flow and how it can create peak performers.
Bestselling author and peak performance expert Steven Kotler decodes the secrets of those elite performers—athletes, artists, scientists, CEOs and more—who have changed our definition of the possible, teaching us how we too can stretch far beyond our capabilities, making impossible dreams much more...
What does it take to be your best when it matters most? Author of 7 bestselling books, Pulitzer Prize nominee, and Director of Research at the Flow Genome Project, Steven Kotler studies ultimate human performance, what is actually possible for our species, and where–if anywhere–our limits lie.
After spending two years in bed with Lyme disease, Steven Kotler had lost everything: his health, his job, his girl, and, he was beginning to suspect, his mind. Kotler, not a religious man, suddenly found himself drawn to the sport of surfing as if it were the cornerstone of a new faith.
Risky pursuits like BASE jumping offer a buzz better than any drug. New technologies provide the same rush without the danger.
Photo Credit: Joe Scarnici / Stringer / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images