Below are the best videos we could find featuring starhawk about ecospirituality.
In this (part 2 of 2) excerpt from a workshop at Wisteria (Oh, USA) for Summer Solstice 2009, Pagan author, activist and elder, Starhawk talks about our connection to the Earth.
Earth Activist Training.
In this conversation (moderated by Konda Mason) Starhawk and Jon Young discuss rekindling our connection to nature in order to heal both the Earth and humanity, which are one in the same.
Another sampling of Reclaiming's spectacular Halloween ritual in anticipation of the Thirtieth Anniversary Spiral Dance, which will take place on Halloween, October 31, at Kezar Pavilion in San Francisco.
Photo Credit: wikimedia user Dedda71 / Distributed under the CC BY 3.0 Unported license