Below are the best resources we could find featuring stanley krippner about shamanism.
Here he discusses the common features that he has observed in his studies of shamans around the world. He describes their rituals in terms of drumming, dancing, sensory deprivation, drugs, diet, and dreaming.
A colorful and compelling examination of evidence for the mind's ability to heal, taking a step into the fascinating world of psychic healing and shamanism. 80 black-and-white photographs.
This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Stanley Krippner and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Shamans and Their World".
Rolling Thunder’s life and wisdom in his own words and from first-hand accounts and interviews with those who knew him well.
Psychologist and consciousness researcher Stanley Krippner talks about his research on extraordinary dreams and explains how to work with them.
Photo Credit: Gary Gershoff / Contributor / WireImage / Getty Images