Below are the best resources we could find featuring stanislav grof about spiritual crisis.
This book is a clarion call for an expanded vision of human possibilities. In it, many of the best thinkers of our day ask us to renew the perennial search for self-knowledge and to discover the deeper meaning of our lives.
The Way of the Psychonaut is one of the most important books ever written about the human psyche and the spiritual quest. The new understandings were made possible thanks to Albert Hofmann’s discovery of LSD—the “microscope and telescope of the human psyche”—and other psychedelic substances.
Increasing numbers of people involved in personal transformation are experiencing spiritual emergencies—crises when the process of growth and change becomes chaotic and overwhelming.
Dr. Grof’s consciousness research over the last five decades has shown that the deepest roots of trauma often lie in experiences from birth or in events from human history that have not yet been resolved and are still active in the collective unconscious.
Many people are undergoing a profound personal transformation associated with spiritual opening. Under favorable circumstances, this process results in emotional healing, a radical shift in values, and a profound awareness of the mystical dimension of existence.
Photo Credit: Photograph by Anton Nosik / Distributed under the CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported license