
Sri Aurobindo

Sri Aurobindo (1872–1950) was an Indian guru, yogi, writer, and political activist who fought for Indian independence before devoting himself to spiritual life and developing the philosophy of Integral yoga, in which spiritual transcendence within one’s present life is the aim of creation. With his spiritual partner, Mirra Alfassa (called The Mother), Sri Aurobindo established an ashram, now called the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, in Puducherry, India.

Sri Aurobindo
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Rudolf Steiner and Sri Aurobindo: An Introductory Comparison

Exploring the similarities and differences between the profound contributions of two of the modern world’s most important spiritual figures: Rudolf Steiner and Sri Aurobindo Ghose.

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Sri Aurobindo and His Dreams - Part 2 of 3

August 15, 1947 On the day India attained freedom, a voice spoke to the nation. The voice of the first Indian leader who demanded complete independence from British rule. Sri Aurobindo had been asked to give a message on this great occasion.

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Hour of God

Compiled by Manoj Das, these selections from the writings of Sri Aurobindo introduce the author's spiritual vision. The Hour of God consists of extremely powerful short prose pieces written between 1910 and 1940 by Sri Aurobindo and published posthumously.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageI swore that I would not suffer from the world’s grief and the world’s stupidity and cruelty and injustice and I made my heart as hard in endurance as the nether millstone and my mind as a polished surface of steel. I no longer suffered, but enjoyment had passed away from me.

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The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo, Part Two: The Spiritual Empiricist, with Debashish Banerji

Here he describes how Aurobindo retreated to a spiritual life in the city of Pondicherry in south India that was under French control. During this period, he developed (or “received”) a detailed and extensive program of yoga.

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Powers Within

Powers Within elucidates the nature of various inner powers that humans already possess and use more or less unconsciously, as well as with latent powers as yet undeveloped.

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Sri Aurobindo - Glimpses of His Life

A documentary, produced by Sri Aurobindo Society in 1975. Director Phani Majumdar.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageWhat the soul sees and has experienced, that it knows; the rest is appearance, prejudice and opinion.

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The Upanishads

A collection of Sri Aurobindo's final translations of and commentaries on every Upanishad or other Vedantic text he worked on.

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The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo, Part Three: Future Evolution of Humanity, with Debashish Banerji

Here he notes that Aurobindo emphasized both Vedanta and Tantra. In other words, he emphasized both escape from the bonds of attachment and the attainment of many varieties of pleasure. He emphasized the enhancement of the supernormal powers, or Siddhis, within humanity.

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Aldous Huxley