Below are the best resources we could find featuring silvia nakkach about sound healing vibrational medicine.
A meditative soundscape based on the primordial "Om" mantra. Gentle voices chant "Om" in various arrangements. Ideal for meditation and yoga.
Part One of an interview with musician and composer Silvia Nakkach. She discusses how sound and music can bring about healing and why this is applicable in end-of-life situations.
Part Two of an interview with musician and composer Silvia Nakkach. She discusses how sound and music can bring about healing and why this is applicable in end-of-life situations.
We talk with Silvia Nakkach, the preeminent authority on sound healing.
The 2010 Annual Sacred Voices Meets Sacred Nature Retreat . . . an extraordinary experience of liberation through sound, by continuous chanting, drumming and dancing as a path to living life as a divine art.
Photo Credit: Steve Jennings / Stringer / WireImage / Getty Images