Below are the best resources we could find featuring sharon brous about spirituality and politics.
Rabbi Brous takes the stage at the Women's March on Washington before a crowd of hundreds of thousands as part of a line-up of activists, faith & community leaders and entertainers. Grateful to Henry J. Bernstein for his video editing savvy.
Tell me this: can one really claim that Torah is not an inherently political document? - Sharon Brous
Rabbi Brous speaks out against Islamophobia and hate of all kinds, and delivers a letter penned by the Auburn Fellows.
"America Needs to Find its Way Again" - Race, violence and madness in an election year. How can we reclaim the soul of our country? IKAR Rosh Hashanah Day 1, 5778
Millions of people around the world took to the streets in Women’s Marches, proclaiming fidelity to basic fundamental rights for women, people with disabilities, religious minority groups, immigrants and all vulnerable populations.
Our ancestors’ first journey teaches us that it’s in the displacement, in the place of uncertainty, that we find the promise of self-realization.
The legacy of slavery, the genocide of Native Americans and the exploitation of immigrants remain unresolved and largely unacknowledged.
To love a place — Israel or the United States — does not necessarily mean to love its government.
The new Sandy Hook public service announcement is brutal but not gratuitous. It tells us we must not accept gun violence in our schools as inevitable.
Photo Credit: M. Phillips / Staff / WireImage / Getty Images