Below are the best articles we could find featuring shakti gawain about visualization.
For a struggling young New York actress longing for a life partner and career success, stumbling upon Creative Visualization was like finding the keys to a magic door.
Years ago I read Living in the Light by Shakti Gawain and loved it. I gave the book to my mom who called me when she finished reading it and said, “That’s the way you live YOUR life!”
Sometimes people who have studied Eastern philosophy or are on a certain spiritual path feel a hesitation about using creative visualization when they first hear of it.
Interview with Shakti Gawain
I was reading metaphysical books and going to workshops, and one of the ones I attended was on creative visualization—learning to use your natural creative imagination in a more conscious way to create what you really want.
One of the most important steps in making your creative visualization work effectively and successfully is to have the feeling of being connected with your inner spiritual source.