Sarah Blondin is a Canadian writer and host of the Live Awake podcast, each episode of which ends with a guided meditation. Her guided meditations on the Insight Timer app have received more than sixteen million plays.
The calls from your soul hold your greatest wealth, your greatest life, and your very dreams. This episode empowers us to allow our soul to lead the way and guide us to our best possible life.
Harmony is our most natural and desired form of existence. This episode looks at how we each have the power to restore our health and the health of the world through choosing to live in harmony with everything around us.
This episode explores the reality that we are here to grow and expand as souls and that everything we experience is serving as our vehicle, our mainline to an expanded version of Self.
This first episode is a quick introduction to the 'live awake podcast'. The raison d'être.
What if I told you freedom isn’t a destination, not an idea or ideal or dream? It is ours, in this moment, living within each of our breaths. This episode aims to help us move from a place of being fixed in suffering to entering back into our intended state of freedom.
There are cycles we are ignoring. All life needs rest and incubation. All life needs time below the surface, where it can breathe itself full and round, where it can reconnect with its nature and sprout again in its flushed form.
Dear women of the world let me remind you of the ocean of strength that lives within you.
This episode tells the story of a girl who learned to stop running from her fear and instead asked it from where it came and what it was wanting her to hear.
To remember your trusting vantage is to remember life is in your favor, you are in your favor. It is to remember there are no wrong choices and that all is conspiring to bring you into love.
it is time to speak of what it joyous to us, to feed ourselves with love, to sit in the raw and present moment to wake the heart inside of us. It is time to harvest our light.