Sarah Blondin is a Canadian writer and host of the Live Awake podcast, each episode of which ends with a guided meditation. Her guided meditations on the Insight Timer app have received more than sixteen million plays.
In our noisy, noisy world, it can seem nearly impossible to find ways to turn off our busy minds, which so often flood us with worry and unending lists of tasks.
Sarah Blondin created this beautiful meditation specifically for SHE RECOVERS and shared it with us to kick off our day on Saturday (September 15th, 2018). A beautiful, powerful heart opener.
If you feel lost, disconnected from source, alienated from yourself, you must work to journey back into your wildness.
I wish someone had told me when I was swimming in a sea of lonely thoughts . . . that I was being called into the very center of myself so I could come closer to my root and bottomless source of light.
Harmony is our most natural and desired form of existence. This episode looks at how we each have the power to restore our health and the health of the world through choosing to live in harmony with everything around us.
When faced with great change we must trust what comes budding forth. We must quickly release our grasp on the old and familiar in order to plant our new garden.
Live Awake is about breathing your senses alive, seeing with vivid color, tasting, smelling and loving with all of your being present and aware. Live Awake is about getting drunk on the beauty that is your life, about opening your eyes to the significance of all things small and large.
Our entire lives we search for meaning, for answers for something to show us which way to go, a map drawn out just for us. Our moments of inspiration is the map. These are the markers, the landing points for us to explore.
This is an exclusive interview with Sarah Blondin, author, speaker, and creator of the popular podcast 'Live Awake'. Recorded in August of 2020 with Albert Flynn DeSilver for Brilliant Writer Radio-Waking Up in Daily Life; Conversations on Creativity, Consciousness, and Citizenship.
Surrender means to give up, abandon, relinquish, to wave the white flag. What a beautifully divine word.