Sandy Anastasi is an American psychic, medium, astrologer, tarot reader, author, and teacher. She developed the Anastasi System to train others in psychic ability development.
Expand Your Psychic Abilities to See, Feel, and Work with Energy and Auras! In completing Psychic Development Level 1, you acquired the knowledge, experiences and skills that are necessary to successfully develop your psychic and intuitive abilities.
Expand Your Developing Psychic Abilities into the Amazing Areas of Channeling and Spirit Communication! The Anastasi System of Psychic Development Levels 1 through 3 are the foundation for your psychic journey.
Psychic Development Level 2 is a complete class by itself. Completion of Level 1 is helpful, but not a pre-requisite.
Introduction to Channeling & Spirit Communication, covering the ethics of channeling and mediumship, meditation and preparation styles, protection and opening techniques as well as how to channel and be a medium.
Learn the psychological foundation of each sun sign. Learn the ages-old meaning of each planet and how its energy affects you. Learn how to create a simple solar astrology chart. Learn what the astrological houses are and what they mean. Learn the basics of chart interpretation almost instantly.
Sandy Anastasi gives another great psychic protection tip. This one tells you how to use a mirror to stop tailgating!
Whether you are a beginning-level Tarot reader, an experienced professional, or just curious, the Tarot Reader’s Workbook will help you to expand your knowledge of and ability to interpret the Tarot cards. The Tarot is more than an ages-old system of divining the future.
Sandy Anastasi gives a psychic protection tip that will help you avoid intimidation, domination, and discomfort in daily interactions with bullies, intimidators, or other aggressive types of people.
You will learn how to master the use of an array of (psychic) tools.
Sandy Anastasi gives psychic protection tips for everyday healthy living.