Below are the best resources we could find featuring ruth king about mindfulness.
“Racism is a heart disease,” writes Ruth King, “and it’s curable.
Ruth King guides us in a practice to explore the truth of our interconnectedness.
Dharma teacher and author Ruth King joins Ethan Nichtern for a conversation around diversity in spiritual communities, white privilege and guilt, and understanding racial conditioning.
A conversation with Ruth King, author of Mindful of Racism: Transforming Race from the Inside Out.
Ruth King-"Something alarming happens when we think or hear the word ‘racism’. Something deep within us is awakened into fear...This activation happens to all of us.” "So, having the intention that you are going to be in this dialog means you’re not going to turn away from it...
On racism as a curable heart disease, the ever-expanding gift of mindfulness, and what it means to stay awake and responsive in these times with care and wisdom. Ruth offers us an invaluable meditation to close.
Photo Credit: Bill Miles / Obtained directly from Ruth King, 11/16/21