Below are the best videos we could find featuring robin carhart harris about depression.
New research using psychedelic drugs to understand the brain could lead to new treatments for mental disorders such as depression.
The talk will review brain imaging work on the action of psychedelics on the brain and describe the results of a clinical trial assessing psilocybin as a treatment for depression. It will also review the broader societal impact of psychedelic drug-use and discuss its implications.
Robin has been conducting pioneering brain imaging studies of psychedelic drugs. Most recently, he has completed the first phase of a clinical trial looking at the potential of psilocybin to treat depression, and his talk looks at how these drugs can be used in treatment.
Psychedelics have an ancient and more recent history of medicinal-use. Administered in a supportive environment, with preparatory and integrative psychological care, psychedelic medicines are now being used to facilitate emotional breakthrough and renewed perspective.
Photo Credit: Photograph by Thomas Angus, Imperial College London / Distributed under the CC BY-SA 4.0