Below are the best resources we could find featuring robert monroe about altered states of consciousness.
Robert Monroe, a Virginia businessman, began to have experiences that drastically altered his life. Unpredictably, and without his willing it, Monroe found himself leaving his physical body to travel via a "second body" to locales far removed from the physical and spiritual realities of his life.
Robert Monroe is known for his extensive research into altered states of consciousness, and is considered to be a pioneer of the western world in 'Out of Body Experiences', also known as 'Astral Projection'.
In 1958, a successful businessman named Robert Monroe began to have experiences that drastically altered his life.
If you attended the Gateway Voyage residential program at The Monroe Institute in the last 10 to 15 years, you missed the evening talks with Bob Monroe.
Robert Monroe was a pioneer of studies on consciousness. The interview is a rare document because he tells his evolution from out-of-body experiences to multidimensional travels.
Explorers are known for the journeys they take. Rosie McKnight explored the vast nonphysical dimensions of consciousness.
In the ’80s, the spy agency investigated the "Gateway Experience" technique to alter consciousness and ultimately escape spacetime. Here is everything you need to know.