Below are the best resources we could find featuring robert firestone about attachment theory.
Dr. Robert Firestone discusses the fantasy bond. The fantasy bond is a form of self-parenting and self-protection that offers an illusion of pseudo-independence at the expense of real relating.
In this work, Dr. Firestone develops the theory and underlying dynamics involved in disturbed family relationships and the poisonous pedagogy that characterizes generally accepted patterns of child-rearing.
Separation Theory integrates psychoanalytic and existential systems of thought by showing how early interpersonal pain, and separation anxiety and later death anxiety lead to the development of powerful psychological defenses.
That is why in adult life, people generally tend to relive rather than live, that is, to repeat the patterns of the past and defend the primary fantasy in the defiance, and avoid the real gamble or real adventure of taking a chance on something new.
When it comes to finding love, are you standing in your own way? Daring to Love will help you identify the internal barriers that cause you to sabotage your love life, open yourself up to vulnerability, and build the intimate, lasting relationship you truly desire.
Many people grapple with destructive thought processes or a "critical inner voice" that directs their behavior and, to varying degrees, limits their lives. Using deeply personal and very human stories based on his own clinical practice, noted psychologist Robert W.
Each individual faces a struggle against powerful odds to retain a unique selfhood and personal identity.