Below are the best resources we could find featuring rick hanson about neuroscience.
Dr. Rick Hanson speaking at the Neuroplasticity and Education: Strengthening the Connection conference presented by the Eaton Educational Group at the Westin Bayshore Hotel on October 25, 2013.
You've heard the expression, “It’s the little things that count.” It's more than a simple platitude. Research has shown that integrating little daily practices into your life can actually change the way your brain works.
Psychologist Rick Hanson discusses how to strengthen our capacity for wisdom, peace, and enlightenment.
The best-selling author of Buddha’s Brain explains how mindfulness meditation can strengthen our brains and help us focus our attention.
If you change your brain, you can change your life. Great teachers like the Buddha, Jesus, Moses, Mohammed, and Gandhi were all born with brains built essentially like anyone else’s―and then they changed their brains in ways that changed the world.
Rick Hanson explains how we can use our minds to change our brains to change our minds for the better. This video was taken at the Greater Good Science Center in UC Berkeley as part of the Science of a Meaningful Life Series.
The Foundations of Well-Being: A year of Growing Good in Your Brain and In Your Life.
In this talk from Dr. Rick Hanson for his Wednesday Night Meditation Talk series on Brain Tips for Deep Calm.
Why is it easier to ruminate over hurt feelings than it is to bask in the warmth of being appreciated? Because your brain evolved to learn quickly from bad experiences and slowly from good ones, but you can change this.
Rick Hanson Speaking on The Not-Craving Brain at Mindfulness Conference by FACES Conferences.