Below are the best resources we could find featuring richard leider about authenticity.
Imagine a pill that would aid cognitive decline, help prevent macroscopic stroke, aid sleep, and add 7 years to your life. How much would you pay for it? Would you take it? It turns out that pill is free, and it's available to all. It's called Purpose.
It’s the end of work as we know it. Career paths look nothing like they did in the days before phones got smart. We work more hours at more jobs for more years than ever before.
Rich Feller interviews Richard Leider about what people say they would do if they could live life over.
Top executive coach Richard Leider describes the 3 stages of finding your purpose: uncovering, discovering, and rediscovering.
“Living in the place you belong, with the people you love, doing the right work, on purpose.” This is how Richard Leider and David Shapiro define the good life. Technological advancements, economic shifts, and longer lifespans mean most of us will need to repeatedly reimagine our lives.
Counselor and author Richard Leider explains his laws for finding purpose in your work and life.
What makes you want to get out of bed in the morning? We all need a good reason. Without one, we don’t live as long, we aren’t as productive and we aren’t happy.
Rich Feller interviews Richard Leider about the importance of “work fit.”
Photo Credit: Star Tribune via Getty Images / Contributor / Star Tribune / Getty Images