Below are the best resources we could find featuring richard bach about memoir.
A half-mile up, suspended by nylon wings and the promise of good lift, life hangs on a pledge. Richard Bach made that pledge, fifty years before, to return to the frightened child he used to be and teach him everything he had learned from living.
Finding ourselves is like flying an ancient biplane coast to coast: there are storms ahead, but once we've started, it's too late to turn back. To discover that time is not a straight line aimed toward infinity, Richard Bach undertook a magnificent journey.
A man alone in the sky has a chance to touch the stars. But as Richard Bach, flying a lone jet across Europe, reaches for the eternal, he must also confront the fear and danger that shadow the unknown.
The author describes his adventures during the summer of 1966, when he emulated the gypsy pilots of the 1920s and barnstormed across America.
An enthralling flight into the realm of possibility, Out of My Mind shows what happens when Richard Bach sets out to solve the design problems troubling his Piper Cub.
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