Below are the best resources we could find featuring rhonda magee about social justice.
Mindfulness is often seen as something only useful or needed among certain populations, but the practice has no real barriers, and all populations can benefit.
Transforming Justice, Lawyers, and the Practice of Law is a forthcoming anthology compiled by the editor of The Affective Assistance of Counsel: Practicing Law as a Healing Profession (Carolina Academic Press, 2007).
There might be a solution to implicit racial bias, argues Rhonda Magee: cultivating moment-to-moment awareness of thoughts, feelings, and surroundings.
From Wisdom 2.0's Mindfulness in America Summit in New York City.
In a society where unconscious bias, microaggressions, institutionalized racism, and systemic injustices are so deeply ingrained, healing is an ongoing process.
Despite a strong practice of meditation and reflection, I admit to struggling with my own sense of what to do and with how to be with the wide variety of spirit-killing realities that arose all around us, almost daily, this summer.
In this anthology, religious and spiritual teachers as well as thought leaders from various secular arenas, including law, business, and health, reflect on the state of contemplative expression in their respective sectors.
Once an obscure activity engaged in by a small percentage—a closeted few, if you will—mindfulness meditation is more often being offered as a support tool for all those seeking to work more effectively in the world.
How do mindfulness and compassion practices support us in the work of educating for not merely radical but revolutionary social change? In this presentation, Professor Magee identifies research and practices that support the communion of inner work, interpersonal work, and systemic change.
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