Below are the best resources we could find featuring rami shapiro about spiritual development.
I am a trans-humanist, and look forward to the day I can live forever as disembodied mind. Is there anything wrong with this?
Add this resolution to your list: I resolve to break all of my New Year’s resolutions. This way, if you break all the others, you will have kept this one. And if you break this one you will have kept the rest. You can’t lose.
In this overview of Perennial Wisdom, Rabbi Rami will explore what it is, why it is so essential to our time, and where it may be going. Presented on May 4, 2017.
When we imagine that the only way black slaves can overthrow white slavers is by aligning themselves with the Devil, we are saying that freedom is satanic.
September 29 - October 4, 2013 Cascadian Center, Mt. Vernon, WA Rabbi Rami Shapiro's presentation: How to be a Holy Rascal: Spiritual Culture Jamming as Resistance and Liberation.
Addictions are like mud on a mirror: when we look into it, we cannot see our true self. Addictions keep us from seeing ourselves as a manifestation of God the way a wave is an extension of an ocean.
Question – I consider myself a fundamentalist Christian, and I fear Muslims coming to America. Is Islam compatible with American values?
Whenever you hear Allahu Akbar, affirm it: Yes! God is great! Greater than my fear; greater than my xenophobia; and greater than anything keeping me from being a strong, loving, and prophetic voice for compassion and justice.
My dad is dying, and I moved him to a very fine care facility. The cost is crushing, and I took a second job to cover it. Now I find myself wishing he would die, and the guilt I’m experiencing is as crushing as the cost.
Forget your heart and follow your stomach. Work through your options two at a time. Label one “heads” and the other “tails.”
Photo Credit: Mint / Contributor / Hindustan Times / Getty Images