
Peter Koestenbaum

Peter Koestenbaum, PhD, is an American professor of philosophy and leadership coach. Koestenbaum introduced a framework called Leadership Diamond as a philosophy to deepen business leadership in terms of courage, understanding strategy, and using setbacks as avenues for breakthrough.

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Do You Have the Will to Lead?

Philosopher Peter Koestenbaum poses the truly big questions: How do we act when risks seem overwhelming? What does it mean to be a successful human being?

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After Shock

According to philosopher and business consultant Peter Koestenbaum, the “shock of death” can teach us the secrets of leading a successful life — if we have the courage to learn.

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Peter Koestenbaum Interview 'taster'

Ten minute 'taster' on the Leadership Diamond.

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Q&A: Peter Koestenbaum Challenges Executives to Be Better Leaders

“People come to me because they want to make more money,” Koestenbaum said. “I ask questions like, ‘Who are you? What are you?’ Ultimately, the toughest question is, ‘What kind of a person are you going to be?'”

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The Art and Science of Leadership: Part 1

A leadership dialogue with Dr. Peter Koestenbaum.

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Dick Axelrod and Peter Koestenbaum on Why People Work

Dick Axelrod interviews Peter Koestenbaum on leadership

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The Art and Science of Leadership: Part 2

Part two of a leadership dialogue with Dr. Peter Koestenbaum.

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How to Create a Culture of Leadership (Where Everyone Plays Their Part)

How do you create the right conditions for your co-workers to mutually reinforce their commitment to your goals? Doug Collins looks at the four cornerstones of that process and how you can go about fostering them in an innovative workplace.

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Peter Koestenbaum Feb. 11, 2014 Lecture, Part 1

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The Heart of Business

The Heart of Business explains how philosophy can enrich leadership. Koestenbaum breaks leadership into an understanding of multiple intelligences, denotes a theory of character, and outlines personal intelligence profiles.

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