Below are the best resources we could find featuring parker j palmer about learning styles.
In A Hidden Wholeness, Parker Palmer reveals the same compassionate intelligence and informed heart that shaped his best-selling books Let Your Life Speak and The Courage to Teach.
Wisdom that’s been inspiring, motivating, and guiding teachers for two decades, The Courage to Teach speaks to the joys and pains that teachers of every sort know well.
“What am I meant to learn from this situation? What’s life trying to teach me here?” Questions like those help me find meaning in apparently meaningless situations.
Reclaiming the Sacred in Knowing, Teaching, and Learning
This dialogue between bell hooks and Parker J. Palmer took place on Wednesday, April 20, 2016, as one of several public events at the 2016 bell hooks Residency at St.
Photo Credit: Photograph by Sharon L. Palmer / Distributed under the CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported license