Below are the best resources we could find featuring nikki giovanni about black well being.
Nikki Giovanni, world-renowned American poet, writer, activist, and educator, appeared at the Governors State University Center for Performing Arts on November 7, 2012. She will speak on The Courage for Equality: Nikki Giovanni Love, Work, Society.
Ever since she was a little girl attending three different churches, poet Nikki Giovanni has loved the spirituals.
Black Feeling, Black Talk/Black Judgement is one of the single most important volumes of modern African-American poetry.
In this wide-ranging collection of thought-provoking interviews—including her first and last—Toni Morrison (whom President Barrack Obama called a “national treasure”) details not only her writing life, but also her other careers as a teacher, and as a publisher, as well as the gripping story of...
In Make Me Rain, Nikki Giovanni celebrates her loved ones and unapologetically declares her pride in her Black heritage, while exploring the enduring impact of the twin sins of racism and white nationalism.
A real educational and heart felt talk between two deep thinkers.
Part of the Black Arts Movement in the 1960s, part of a Biden campaign ad in 2020, she has never stopped writing.
“The door is open,” Nikki Giovanni told the interviewer, “and if I’m saying something that you don’t like, you can go out the door. Because I’m going to say what I think I should say.”
This omnibus includes Nikki Giovanni’s first seven volumes of poetry from her early years, 1967 to 1983: Black Feeling Black Talk; Black Judgement; Re: Creation; My House; The Women and the Men; Cotton Candy on a Rainy Day; and Those Who Ride the Night Winds.
Poet and university distinguished professor at Virginia Tech Nikki Giovanni delivers a poetry reading.
Photo Credit: Mark Sullivan/BET / Contributor / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images