Below are the best resources we could find featuring nelson mandela about social justice.
“Essential reading for anyone who wants to understand history—and then go out and change it.
For Americans of all races, the Mandela visit was a celebration of triumph of right over wrong and an opportunity to see a giant of history.
“My political beliefs have been explained in my autobiography, The Struggle Is My Life.” —Nelson Mandela.
One should never lose sight of why America preaches nonviolence to some people while urging other people to arms.
Nelson Mandela, who emerged from twenty-six years of political imprisonment to lead South Africa out of apartheid and into democracy, is perhaps the world's most admired leader, a man whose life has been led with exemplary courage and inspired conviction.
The long-awaited second volume of Nelson Mandela’s memoirs, left unfinished at his death and never before available, are here completed and expanded with notes and speeches written by Mandela during his historic presidency, making for a moving sequel to his worldwide bestseller Long Walk to...
I had the honor of meeting Mandela in person—and just sitting in the same room with him was like being in the presence of both grace and royalty. Even now, I can hardly believe that after living in a cell for nearly three decades, he is unscathed by bitterness.
Major speeches and letters from the life and career of South Africa’s first black president, organized by date, topic and readers’ favorites.
In 1990, NewsHour Anchor Robert MacNeil interviewed Nelson Mandela.
Photo Credit: Louise Gubb / Contributor / Corbis Historical / Getty Images