Below are the best books we could find featuring moshe feldenkrais about mind body connection.
An educational system of neuromuscular re-education known for its gentle approach, the Feldenkrais Method has been shown to dramatically improve individual functioning by increasing self-awareness and facilitating new patterns of thinking, moving, and feeling.
Scientist, martial artist, and founder of the method that bears his name, Moshe Feldenkrais wrote several influential books on the relationship between movement, learning, and health.
I attended my first Feldenkrais workshop during the summer of 1974...I was at that time suffering form periodic bouts of low back pain and exploring various body therapies to alleviate my trouble. But I was initially reluctant to try Feldenkrais work.
A victim of debilitating injuries, Moshé Feldenkrais was intimately aware of the link between bodily suffering and mental health. Through healing himself, he made revolutionary discoveries, culminating in the development of the method that now bears his name.
Body Awareness as Healing Therapy: The Case of Nora is Moshé Feldenkrais’ classic study of his work with Nora, a woman who has suffered a severe stroke and lost her neuromuscular coordination, including the ability to read and write.
Moshé Feldenkrais, D.Sc., a visionary scientist who pioneered the field of mind-body education and therapy, has inspired countless people worldwide.
Thousands have found renewed health and increased sensory awareness through the Feldenkrais method as explained in Awareness Through Movement. Here is a way for people of every age to integrate physical and mental development into a new, invigorating wholeness.