
Moshé Feldenkrais on illness and injury

Below are the best resources we could find featuring moshe feldenkrais about illness and injury.

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Moshe Feldenkrais—Two Parts of the Feldenkrais Method (R)

The South Bend Workshop with Moshe Feldenkrais is as close to a live experience of Feldenkrais's teaching as you can get today. It is currently the only workshop Feldenkrais taught for the public where you have the video image to go with the audio.

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Body and Mature Behaviour

A victim of debilitating injuries, Moshé Feldenkrais was intimately aware of the link between bodily suffering and mental health. Through healing himself, he made revolutionary discoveries, culminating in the development of the method that now bears his name.

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The Feldenkrais Fix

Athletes and people with injuries are (finally) discovering the Feldenkrais Method: a gentle rehabilitation system that teaches the body to move as it should.

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A Documentary on the Feldenkrais Method

A documentary about Moshe Feldenkrais and the method he created.

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Moshe Feldenkrais: South Bend, Indiana Feldenkrais Method Workshop

The South Bend Workshop with Moshe Feldenkrais is as close to a live experience of Feldenkrais's teaching as you can get today. It is currently the only workshop Feldenkrais taught for the public where you have the video image to go with the audio.

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Robert Frager Shihan Lecture Series: Moshe Feldenkrais

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What Is the Feldenkrais Method?

Learn about the who, what, where, and when's of Feldenkrais from Steven Shafarman, who studied under founder Moshe Feldenkrais. Steven Shafarman on his book “Awareness Heals” The Feldenkrais Method for Dynamic Health”.

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Anat Baniel